This design of red roses are the ultimate symbol of love and devotion, and their deep red color is both bold and passionate. The velvety texture of their petals adds a sense of luxury and sophistication, while their sweet fragrance creates a sense of warmth and affection.
An arrangement of red roses can be arranged in a variety of ways, such as in a traditional round bouquet or in a cascading or asymmetrical arrangement. It can also be combined with other flowers or greenery for a more complex and varied look.
Overall, a design of red roses is a classic and timeless choice that is perfect for Valentine's Day, anniversaries, or as a gesture of love and affection. Whether given as a single stem or in a larger design, red roses are sure to convey your deepest feelings and emotions.
- Hat box not included in price. Can be added as a style.
- Our incredibly talented team will ensure that the colours are maintained, even though flower availability may vary.