This signature design is a beautiful and feminine arrangement of flowers that exudes a sense of grace and charm. The vibrant pink lilies are the centerpiece of the design, with their elegant petals and long stems lending a sense of regality to the display. The orange gerberas add a pop of color, with their bright blooms and playful shape adding a touch of whimsy to the arrangement. The pink hydrangeas complement the lilies and gerberas perfectly, with their soft, fluffy blooms and delicate petals adding a sense of romance to the bouquet. And the pink roses tie the arrangement together, with their classic beauty and timeless elegance rounding out the display. Together, these flowers create a stunning and unforgettable bouquet that's perfect for any occasion. Whether it's a wedding, anniversary, or simply to show someone special how much you care, this bouquet of pink lilies, orange gerberas, pink hydrangeas, and pink roses is sure to make a lasting impression.
- Box not included in price. Can be added as a style.
- Our incredibly talented team will ensure that the colours are maintained, even though flower availability may vary.