An exquisite arrangement combining soft pink carnations, pink and cream roses, orange and pink dahlias, soft peach stock, white statice, gum, and white Phalaenopsis orchids creates a captivating and harmonious display. The soft pink carnations provide a delicate and romantic touch, while the pink and cream roses add a blend of elegance and beauty. The vibrant orange and pink dahlias become focal points, with their bold and captivating blooms. The soft peach stock adds a subtle touch of warmth and charm to the arrangement. The white statice brings texture and fills any gaps with its dainty clusters of small flowers. The gum leaves provide a natural and textural element, while the white Phalaenopsis orchids bring an exotic and graceful element to the design.
Together, these flowers and foliage create a beautifully balanced arrangement, combining soft and bold colors, varied textures, and captivating shapes. The arrangement exudes a sense of romance, sophistication, and natural beauty. It is perfect for special occasions, weddings, or as a centerpiece to add a touch of elegance and charm to any space.
- Additional style options available for this design.
- Our incredibly talented team will ensure that the colours are maintained, even though flower availability may vary.