This design is a beautiful and sophisticated combination of different blooms that come together to create a harmonious and timeless display. The lilies are the focal point of the bouquet, with their large, trumpet-shaped blooms and sweet fragrance. The hydrangeas add a sense of volume and depth to the arrangement with their full, fluffy blooms, while the mums bring a touch of whimsy with their frilly petals. The roses add a sense of elegance and romance, with their delicate petals and sweet fragrance. The phalaenopsis orchids bring a unique and unexpected touch to the bouquet with their delicate blooms and graceful stems.
Together, these flowers create a design that is both classic and modern, with a mix of textures, shapes, and colors that create a sense of harmony and beauty. This bouquet would be perfect for a variety of occasions, such as a wedding or anniversary, or simply to add a touch of elegance and refinement to any space. The pink and white color palette creates a sense of purity and sophistication, while the mix of textures and shapes create a sense of movement and depth. This arrangement is sure to impress anyone who sees it with its timeless beauty and understated elegance.
- Ceramic not included in price. Can be added as a style.
- Our incredibly talented team will ensure that the colours are maintained, even though flower availability may vary.