A stunning and romantic arrangement featuring dual-tone pink roses, burgundy dahlias, pink mums, pink carnations, and pink baby's breath creates a captivating and harmonious display.
The dual-tone pink roses serve as the focal point, exuding a unique and dynamic beauty. Their blend of colours adds depth and visual interest. The burgundy dahlias bring a rich and luxurious element, providing a striking contrast against the pink hues. The pink mums and carnations add layers of softness and elegance, symbolising admiration and gratitude.
The pink baby's breath provides a delicate and airy touch, enhancing the overall sense of lightness and romance. Together, these flowers create a balanced and visually pleasing bouquet. This arrangement would be ideal for weddings, anniversaries, or as a gesture of love and appreciation. It conveys a sense of romance, beauty, and affection, leaving a lasting impression on those who receive it.
- Vase not included in price but can be added as a style
- Our incredibly talented team will ensure that the colours are maintained, even though flower availability may vary