A majestic arrangement unfolds, featuring the captivating beauty of the pink king protea as the centrepiece, its regal presence commanding attention. Surrounding it are proteas, echoing the grandeur and splendour, while soft purple Polaris chrysanthemums add a touch of gentle elegance with their delicate hues. Peach stock and pink mums infuse the arrangement with warmth and softness, complementing the richness of the proteas.
Adding a sense of purity and abundance, white hydrangeas fill the ensemble with their voluminous blooms, while magnolia leaves and gum leaves provide a lush backdrop, enhancing the arrangement's natural allure.
Together, these flowers and foliage create a harmonious composition that exudes sophistication and grace, capturing the essence of beauty in its most regal form. Ideal for grand celebrations or as a stunning centrepiece, this arrangement is sure to leave a lasting impression with its exquisite blend of colours and textures.
- Additional style options are available for this design.
- Our incredibly talented team will ensure that the colours are maintained, even though flower availability may vary.