A bouquet featuring green spider chrysanthemums, white Oriental lilies, and moluccella (also known as bells of Ireland) create a unique and captivating combination.
The vibrant green spider chrysanthemums with their intricate and spiky petals add a touch of texture and visual interest to the bouquet. The elegant white Oriental lilies, with their graceful blooms and sweet fragrance, would bring a sense of purity and sophistication. Lastly, the tall and slender stems of the moluccella, adorned with their distinct bell-shaped green calyxes, add a whimsical and playful element to the arrangement.
Together, these flowers create a beautiful contrast of colors, shapes, and textures, resulting in a bouquet that exudes freshness and natural beauty. This bouquet would be a great choice for those seeking a unique and eye-catching floral arrangement for a special occasion or as a gift that stands out from the traditional.
- Additional style options available for this design.
- Our incredibly talented team will ensure that the colours are maintained, even though flower availability may vary.